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Tips for Young Athletes to Stay Calm Under Pressure

For young athletes, keeping composure in those big moments is very challenging. Whether it’s their first time in the playoffs or an important game is coming down to the wire, here are a few tips that parents can give their children to help them keep calm in the moments they need it the most.

Control Your Breathing

The classic “take a deep breath” can do wonders. One deep breath can reduce stress, but you can take it to the next level by teaching your child breathing techniques. The best breathing techniques help reduce stress and maintain calmness in big moments. Sudden and unexpected stress cannot be erased by a single deep breath. Parents should teach their athletes to focus on taking controlled, steady breaths throughout the game. Breathing is one of the only things an athlete can control at all times. When you need to stay composed, having something under control will give you a little bit of extra confidence.

Embrace Imperfection

Trying to play perfectly is a high-stress inducer. Parents should reassure their kids that not playing at their highest level is okay. If your athlete knows that it’s okay to make mistakes, then those small mistakes in big games won’t take a big toll on them mentally. If your athlete struggles with this, consider finding a private coach at Athletes Untapped. Private coaches can better tailor to your athlete’s needs and help them get in the right headspace.

Focus on Yourself

Saying to focus on yourself instead of what others think about you is easier said than done. Yet, this can be a huge confidence booster for young athletes. The popular belief that “there is no ‘I’ in team” is valid, but the team can’t succeed without individuals succeeding first. Whatever role your athletes are playing, it’s important for them to focus on what their job is in order to give the team the highest chance of winning. It also helps to maintain calmness when athletes know that the opinions of others are meaningless to their play.

Parents’ Role in Development

Parents play a very important role in young athletes’ development. If your athlete still struggles with keeping calm under pressure, look no further than Athletes Untapped. We offer local, experienced coaches who can provide mental performance coaching for your athlete.

Feel free to check out our Athletes Untapped Locations page to learn more about coaches in your area.

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